Coach Donna Aromando, Certified Powerlifting Coach
is a School Counselor, Wellness Advocate, Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Program Coordinator and Coach at Rancocas Valley Regional High School in Mt. Holly NJ. She has an extensive background coaching and counseling high school student athletes for 35 years. She has been blessed to have coached and counseled several Olympic Athletes, as well as dominant college players in all divisions. Donna participated in several varsity sports in high school and concentrated on field hockey in college. She was an All American and was part of the first state and national championship teams both in high school and college. Donna shares her expertise with student athletes and their parents, counseling them through the NCAA Clearinghouse Process. Donna’s passion is in weight training for people of all ages. Donna believes that both mental and physical well-being is paramount for a healthy life journey. She is able to train any age in powerlifting technique.
Please follow Coach Donna’s journey as not only a coach but an athlete. We are proud of her nomination and accomplishments!!
To read more about kids and strength training by the Mayo Clinic, click below.
Click here to read the Mayo Clinic article- Strength training: ok for kids?
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